Tulgua terveh,
I'm a Finnish Karelian artist and entrepreneur who works actively for a more sustainable future through artivism and advisory.
Enzalgu is a Karelian word for "at the beginning" and it represents how Enzalgu helps you take the first important steps on your journey.
Enzalgu is a Karelian word for "at the beginning" and it represents how Enzalgu helps you take the first important steps on your journey.
Pagize karjalakse. | Luve karjalakse. | Hörkistele karjalua. | Kirjuta karjalakse.
Opi karjalaa! Maksuttomaan Suvikarjalan tietopankkiin on koottu linkkejä internetissä avoimesti saatavilla oleviin oppimateriaaleihin ja aineistoihin, sekä tehty niistä oppimista helpottavia koosteita ja pelejä. Opi lisää karjalaa jo tänään!
Courses that help you learn about traditions at your own pace and style
High resolution instructional videos designed to help you learn faster
Text material
Clear and detailed written instructions
Examples & Sources
Multiple examples and sources to help you take the next steps
Feedback loops
Course materials are updated based on the questions and observations you provide in feedback