
Suistaman virzie (Hybrid book, KA/EN)

Author: Mirva Haltia
Published: 2.2.2025
Type: Hybrid book (video & text)
Language: Karelian and English

KA: Virzi kerdou rodnoi rahvahan, syndyzien, istorjan da perindehien starinat, kudamie emme sua unohuttua. Tämän virzirybähän tekstat da iänittehet on luajittu Suistaman virzilöistä olemassaolijan materualin pohjalda meildä meillä, jotta voizimma välitteä ielleh tulijalla polvella virzineruo. Dengutta dengattomilla karjalazilla koudilla kieliruadaja.
EN: Karelian poem songs, also known as "virzi" in Karelian, are an integral part of Karelian culture. They recount the story of our origins and describe our myths and traditions. This book contains a small collection of traditional Karelian poem songs from Suistamo, that I have reclaimed, revived, and restored for use within my own and chosen family, and to be passed down in my Karelian community.

Suistaman virzie hybrid book is available in your account for a minimum of 3 months after purchase, and as long as it is listed in Enzalgu shop (at the moment of writing this, the shop licence is valid until July 2026)
KA: Virzinero on ylen tärgie perinne meillä karjalazilla. Nämä net ollah meijän rodnoi rahvahan, syndyzien, istorjan da perindehien starinat, kudamie emme sua unohuttua. Omat virret andau meillä vägie. Olen luadinun tämän virzirybähän tekstat da iänittehet Suistaman virzilöistä olemassaolijan materualin pohjalda meildä meillä, jotta voizimma välitteä ielleh tulijalla polvella neruo. Tahon, jotta dengu ei sua tulla oman istorjan ellendämizen ielleh, ili hos olet karjalane da siulla on keyhät aijjat, nenga koudilla suat dengutta kniigan: kieliruadaja.


EN: Karelian poem songs, also known as "virzi" in Karelian, are an integral part of Karelian culture. They recount the story of our origins and describe our myths and traditions. This book contains a small collection of traditional Karelian poem songs from Suistamo, that I have reclaimed, revived, and restored for use within my own and chosen family, and to be passed down in my Karelian community.

This hybrid book opens in the web browser and it is easy to use both in desktop and mobile. You can listen and sing along in one sitting or listen to each individual poem song. Each poem song has lyrics and video. There is also a description in English of what the lyrics are about, so you can enjoy the songs even if you don't know Karelian yet.
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